Why I created MyLife365.Me

Thursday March 9, 2023


We all aim for a healthier lifestyle – and to feel good every day. With the wealth of information that exists out there, it can be difficult to know where to start. However, the human body – your body – is the richest data source on you and if you know how, it will tell you how you can look after yourself. And that’s why I created MyLife365.Me – to help me track how my daily life choices affect my health and put the power back into my hands when it comes to making changes. I need to feel good every day. Now I want to share this with you.

The inspiration for the app is a very personal one – me. Effectively, it is the culmination of a lifetime of looking after me and learning how much insight and data can make this easier. If you want to show up for the people around you and make a difference in the world, you must start with yourself. After all, on a plane, they tell us to put the oxygen mask on first before helping others. With MyLife365.Me I am essentially offering people an oxygen mask that can provide the energy for a much more effortless way of living simply by looking after me first.

The thinking behind this is that if I look after Me, I..

..look after my health, so I can try to avoid constant GP appointments for problems I can sort out myself

Public health services are oversubscribed today, and we all need to play our part in reducing the pressure being applied by an ageing population and the spiking demand of recent years. If I take responsibility for my own health by staying educated and insightful about my body and mind, then I will not only feel empowered, but it will also help avoid unnecessary doctor’s visits and hospital stays, which can be both time-consuming and problematic in terms of waiting lists.

…can look after my family, my elderly parents, and my friends.

It’s not possible to pour from an empty cup, which is why looking after my own health is so important. Taking care of my health allows me to better look after loved ones, my and my friends family. I can help provide support and care for them, which can be an invaluable source of comfort and security.

 …can look after my employees

As a business owner, I am responsible for looking after my employees and providing a safe and healthy work environment – as well as being a source of inspiration. This isn’t just about ensuring physical well-being but also creating the conditions to improve productivity and helping to inspire and improve morale. The more productive I – and my team – are, the more contribution we can make to the business and wider economy.

…can live a long and healthy life and enjoy my grandchildren and great-grandchildren

The golden years can be a great source of joy and enjoyment for everyone, and I want to make sure that I am healthy enough to really get the most out of them. Personally, I want to be fit and healthy enough to enjoy my grandchildren and great-grandchildren and to be a source of wisdom, love and support as they grow older. Whether or not you have grandchildren – or you’re making an impact in other ways or simply being there for the people around you – MyLife365.Me gives you the mindset that you can stay healthy and present through it all.

…can develop an App that helps me and has the potential to help everyone.

This app is designed to be empowering because it gives anyone the resources to manage their own health, to make improvements to the way that they live their life – and even help others to do the same. There is a lot of pride and satisfaction to be found in supporting yourself in this way, as well as knowing you’re making a positive impact on the people around you.

So MyLife365.Me is all about a lifetime of me looking after myself – and understanding just how much of a difference this really makes. Yes, it’s all about me but not just for my benefit. It could benefit the people I love, the people I know – and it benefits you too.

Download MyLife365.Me app to help you take care of your health by simply logging what you eat, drink and exercise.

For more information please visit MyLife365.Me, where you can also now book a scan in the UK. If you are a resident elsewhere, please me directly [email protected]