Never Skip This Secret Running Hack

If you want to run better – and longer – and get more from your runs there are lots of ways to do this. You can change the way you train, look at your diet and also how you breathe when you’re running. There is also one secret running hack that can help no matter where you are in your running journey: recovery runs. Whether you have been running for years, or you are new to the sport, recovery runs are essential.

What is a recovery run?

Recovery runs usually happen the day after you have done a long or hard run. They are the opposite, designed to give your body a break but keep it moving. So, recovery runs are low intensity and gentle. We do them so that you can improve overall recovery, rather than achieve any personal bests or new goals.

Why do a recovery run?

On the days when you are not running at high intensity you might simply rest. But factoring in recovery runs instead of rest on some of those days can actually make a big difference to overall running performance. These are some of the reasons why you might want to do a recovery run:

  • It helps to increase how far you run each week. If you are a regular runner you will know that doing more miles every week will improve fitness and performance. Recovery runs help you do this in a gentler way.
  • Blood flow around the body. A recovery run means that your body is moving and blood is flowing around the body, delivering oxygen and nutrients to the muscles and helping to get rid of lactic acid. You won’t get these benefits if you are sitting still.
  • A more aware run. If you are trying to do a big distance or hit a certain time then you will be thinking about getting through the run. But with a recovery run you can be more aware of how you are moving, how you’re breathing and what you could do better.
  • A more relaxing run. Running training can feel heavy and hard so recovery runs remind you of why you love running and how enjoyable a relaxed run can be.

How do you do a recovery run?

  • Aim to do a recovery run within 24 hours of a hard run. If you’re already doing a lot of running then just remember to drop a few miles from other runs so you’re not doing too many in a week.
  • Choose an easy pace. Your recovery run pace should be one that means you can easily carry out a conversation at the same time as you’re running.
  • Don’t run too far. The reason for doing a recovery run is to get your blood flowing, so you don’t have to go far – 20-30 minutes will be enough for most people.

One of the best kept secrets in running is to make sure that you schedule a recovery run after every high intensity effort. Keep track of your daily exercise by downloading the MyLife365.Me app today.